Story Worthy

 Two weeks ago, I became a freshman!  I talked about it being scary at one time, but now it is a breeze. The teachers help me get through the hiccups and my upperclassmen friends are a great influence on what and what not to do. They help take away most of my anxiety.

  What mostly made my last couple weeks great is that I've noticed I have been making my mom proud when I come home and immediately start doing my work. After the flood, my parents were thinking it would be my last year because of financial binds. Even though they struggled, I watched them give their last to put me back at EHS for the start of my high school career. It may not seem like much, but putting a smile on my parents face means the world to me and is worth hearing about!


  1. That is amazing! I like making my parents proud too. It is really great that you strive to work hard.

  2. Naya, that so thoughtful and nice. Making your parents proud mean a lot to them.

  3. Hey Naya!! I can totally relate to being scared of freshman year at first, and trying to make my parents happy. I wish you the best of luck with your parents but I know you don't need it. :)


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