Milk and Honey

      For my outside reading book, I am reading Rupi Kaur's novel "Milk and Honey". It is a page turning graphic novel about how the author went through sexual, physical, and mental abuse. She was raped by family, misused by boyfriends, and misguided on what true love is. She was taught that love was forceful and meant to be completely how the man wants it to go. She had trained herself to love herself based on what the man loved about her. It was never characteristics that the man loved, it was always what she could do for him.

      Even though I have never experienced what the author has gone through, I still get the general idea in the book right now. Currently in the book, the author has learned how to appreciate herself. She realizes you don't have to change your body and your ways to please a boy. Being in high school now and being around teenage boys, it's good to know that it is okay to accept yourself for who you truly are. That self love is truly the best love!


  1. I totally agree with you Naya! This book seems really interesting, and I might want to read it later! Nice job :)

  2. This blog was interesting because of all the drama going on in this book. Good job

  3. I read this book a few months ago, and it's one of my favorite books of all time. The writing is beautiful, and I love the message of self-acceptance and self-love.


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