Fall Break

  Usually for Fall Break, I sent at home and scroll through social media looking at how much fun everyone else is having. I mean, I usually don't expect much more than that. Its only two days for pete's sake. As soon as you get to your destination, it's time to turn right back around. I had settled with the fact that I was just going to go to Southern's Homecoming Game and stay home. My parents had something else in mind though.

 After many days of wondering why my parents did not want me to go to the game, they had told me we were going on a mini getaway. We decided to go to Mississippi to see "cruising the coast". That was a weeklong event of seeing cleaned up vintage cars race down the coast of Biloxi. The next day we decided to go to Foley Alabama to go shopping. Even though our trip ended early because of Hurricane Nate, I'm still glad we decided to go somewhere this Fall Break.


  1. Your Fall Break sounded fun! I too think that two days of break is not that much. As you said you really can't go anywhere!

  2. Your break sounded fun. I am happy for you.


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