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  So over the last couple of weeks, I'd been in a funk. I didn't want to talk to people. I wasn't eating as much. I was sleeping away my problems! I wasn't even getting my nails done as often as I love to!  Which I get done basically every week. I was confused as to why my spirit was so negative and gloomy. Then it finally clicked for me. It wasn't me! It was the negative energy around me. At the time, my "so called friends" were talking about me, leaving me when things got rough, and  not checking on me at all.

  If you know me, you know I'm a very spiritual person. I started to pray at night and stay to myself a little bit more to start growth within myself. What I learned from this experience was two major things that have helped me become a better person. First, I learned God allows things to happen in your life so that you can grow spiritually and mentally as a person. He allowed me to notice my "best friends" were changing on me. The people who were supposed to be there for me were the people putting me down. Secondly, I learned not everyone is meant to be your friend. At the time, I was trying to please people who weren't even worth pleasing! I was becoming the type of person who was so consumed in helping others that I ignored myself. These rough couple of weeks helped show me it's okay to be nice to people, but to also watch who you associate yourself with.


  1. That's a very good lesson to learn, Naya. Good job!

  2. I am happy that God helped you in your life. That's also a good lesson to learn.


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