Hits and misses

   This year has been quite a rollercoaster for me when it comes to English. There were some pieces of writing that I really enjoyed and there were some pieces that I absolutely hated. Most of them I did not like though. First I want to talk about the pieces of writings I enjoyed. I enjoyed writing my research paper on Marie Antoinette. I always loved hearing about her "scandalous life". Even it especially fun to write about everything I learned about her. I felt successful with this piece because I actually enjoyed my topic. The topic grew on me more and more as the deadline drew closer.

   I absolutely could not stand writing my personal narrative nor the literary analysis. I've learned fro this year that it is harder for me to become engaged in topics I am not interested in. With my personal narrative, I did not put my all into it. I felt like since I had told the story of my hose being flooded so many times that it was boring. I also did not like the book we did the literary analysis on. Hopefully I can take what I've learned from the topics I did not like and explain it further in my portfolio.


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