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Roses are red

Violets are blue

I'm super excited

that school will be over soon

I'm sick of tests, exams, and homework

I can't wait until until its summer,

where there will be no work.

I will sleep and eat and lounge all day

I cannot wait until the day

day where I rest away.

I can play and I can laugh I can

have more fun.

I cannot wait for the day

where I can be under all


Under the sun


  1. Nice poem Naya! It is so relatable; I can't wait for school to end as well!

  2. I really enjoyed this poem! The poetic techniques you used in the poem helped the poem flow. I can also relate to this poem, as of I can not wait for school to end.

  3. I cannot wait for summer too ! I like the beginning where the poem talks about the roses and the violets. It's always a good way to start off a poem !!!


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