Song lyrics
I picked Umbrella by Jay Z and Rihanna because as a child the song was very catchy.
Umbrella by JAY Z and Rihanna
"Because when the sun shines, we'll shine together"
(Hyperbole- no one can shine as if they were the sun)
"Told you I'll be here forever"
(Hyperbole- forever is a long time. It is used to exaggerate the lyrics)
"When the world has dealt its cards"
(metaphor- the world cannot actually deal cards)
Hyperbole is used to exaggerate the song. Shining as if you were the sun and and being with someone "forever" is completely impossible. The writer wanted to show that even when times seem unrealistic they would be there.
Metaphor is something else used to exemplify something. The world dealing its cards is an example of life being difficult.
Personification is taking an inanimate object and making it do people like things. The world "dealing" something is the writer's way of making the song more interesting.
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