Prompts from List


   I feel as a girl, there is too much pressure to have perfect bodies. There are manny different reasons why girls feel their bodies are ineligible for love and appreciation. The world we live in throws us subtle hints at to how they think our bodies should look. For so long, Barbie dolls were only one shape. Skinny girls with tiny waists. There was such a lack of diversity that it caused me too look at dolls differently. If you ever follow Victoria Secret or social media models you soon notice they advertise the same size models or the same color models. The society we live in has transfigured the minds of young girls and women no matter the age to try to fit into what the world calls "beautiful". As a growing young woman, I cannot simply blame this all on guys who are attracted to solely these body types. I blame the women who tear down others for not looking the same as them.

   Growing up, I never really enjoyed the way I looked. I had a huge gap in my teeth, a unibrow, and a pudgy stomach. I was never comfortable wearing bikinis, tank tops or even nike shorts. I tried to hide myself as much as possible to keep my peers from judging my body. One day, someone noticed my patterns and encouraged me to feel beautiful, because I was beautiful. They reminded me that even though the world had certain standards when it came to the perfect body, I shouldn't waste my time trying to conform to those ways. They also told me I should not tear down others because of my own insecurities. I was reminded that the grass was always always greener on the other side when it came to our bodies. As I conclude, I hope someone who reads this will encourage their fellow female friends that they are beautiful. No matter what social media, society, or even toys may say.


  1. This was a great post!!! I completely agree with your ideas and I love how you are inspiring others to take the same advice that you did. You did a great job making this post personal and meaningful.

  2. I love this post!! I too believe that we should empower women more to love their body! I also agree with you, that we should stop discouraging other girls and start encouraging each other!


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