Personal Narrative Update

   For my personal narrative, it has been a "love hate" relationship. I hate the writing assignment that has been given to me. The whole "triumph stories are frowned upon" make it even harder to write. I also hate expressing my feelings to others. Most personal narratives are about how it has changed your life, so you tend to open a few old wounds. On the other hand, I love how writing about my house flooding has brought some closure to my life. I never really talked about how it affected me emotionally and mentally so it is sort of therapeutic in a way!

What I would mostly want to work on for my personal narrative is having better structure and learning how to have better comma usage. When I went to the writing center, my fellow writer told me I had great potential to have an A+ essay if I got between the words and paid some more attention to structure. My main issue is I sometimes write how I talk or think. Some sentences tend to sound better in my head. Once I get that fixed, I'll be ready to submit and earn an A!


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